Version History   v1.1 - January 1, 1999 • The irrevocable euro conversion rates for EMU currencies, fixed by the European Council on December 31, 1998, have been introduced. These irrevocable conversion rates are displayed in the "Currencies" dialog box and cannot be modified. • 9 other non-EMU currencies have been introduced: Euro Assistant now converts euro to USD, JPY, CHF, CAD, AUD and to the 4 European Union currencies not participating to the Economic and Monetary Union (GBP, GRD, SEK and DKK). Euro exchange rates of non-EMU currencies can be edited in the "Currencies" dialog box. An exchange rate modification date has been associated to each non-EMU currency. • Euro Assistant has been translated into Finnish. • A bug concerning decimal and thousands separators has been fixed. Separators with ASCII codes greater than 127 were not handled correctly. • A bug concerning the saving of the Euro Assistant Preferences file has been fixed. In absence of an existing preferences file and under particular circumstances, Euro Assistant was unable to save its preferences. • A bug concerning the Cut, Copy and Paste commands in the "Currencies" dialog box has been fixed. The edit commands were not correctly performed if System 7.x.x or MacOS 8.0-8.1 without System-wide platinum appearance were running. • Some corrections concerning the Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese localizations have been made. v1.0.1 - December 14, 1998 • Euro Assistant has been translated into Dutch, Portuguese and Spanish. • Two new roundings have been introduced: conversions can now be calculated to 3 and 4 decimal digits. • The calculation range has been reduced from 0 ≤ |x| ≤ to 0 ≤ |x| ≤ v1.0 - November 30, 1998 • first shareware version